Wellbeing and Pastoral Support

Pastoral care is an acknowledged strength of Talbot Heath and stems from a positive partnership between pupils, parents and staff. The aim of the pastoral system is to support girls as they progress through the school, helping them develop socially, morally and academically. The happiness and wellbeing of all our pupils is at the heart of everything we do. We aim to know everyone as an individual and to provide a secure and caring environment, so that every pupil can enjoy her learning.

We strongly believe that a whole school approach which embeds wellbeing and emotional wellness gives a young person the capacity to grow, prosper and learn.

From the initial meeting with parents and throughout their education at Talbot Heath, great care is taken to ensure that every girl is respected, cared for and treated as an individual. The whole school maintains a happy, family atmosphere based on mutual respect where pupils learn the skills to live harmoniously, whilst respecting diversity. The welfare of the girls is of paramount importance to us and it is the responsibility of all members of staff, teaching and non-teaching, to safeguard and promote it

Junior School Wellbeing

The Junior Pastoral Team is led by our Assistant Head Pastoral supported by our nursing team, counsellor and trained ELSA staff as well as our form tutors.

In Junior School we have a whole school approach to wellbeing and focus on developing emotional literacy and awareness through initiatives such as our weekly
wellbeing assemblies, pupil voice, praise post box as well as inspirational wellbeing displays and mood metres in every classroom.

‘Pupil Voice is already there, it is not something we give, it is something we honour because we listen’

Our pupils are encouraged to use their ‘pupil voice’ and we work closely with our Head Girl and Prefect team to implement ideas so that pupils feel valued and listened to.

Pupils are regularly surveyed with regard to their wellbeing and from this data we create tailored group support sessions written and delivered by our ELSA team.

We support individuals with specific needs through ELSA programmes and sessions with our in house school counsellor.

Senior School Wellbeing

The wellbeing and pastoral team consists of well qualified nurses, a counsellor, boarding house staff, Learning Support Coordinator, senior pastoral staff, tutors and mentors. It is led by an experienced Deputy Head. The PSRE teachers also work closely with the team.
We have established good links with external agencies.