
Sports Roll of Honour

The LTA have recently updated their end of year rankings for 2023 and Talbot Heath are pleased to announce that they have been officially confirmed as the No. 2 tennis school in Great Britain, [with Queenswood as No.1]. This huge achievement was secured after the TH tennis team won the U13 Nationals last year. Special thanks go to the staff at West Hants as well as TH staff member Sarah Camp for their support. Congratulations!

This news follows the superb result earlier in the year when TH were ranked highly in the ‘Sports Schools’ Magazine for top 200 sports schools of 2023. Talbot Heath was placed 46th, beating the school’s previous 2022 ranking of 59th place.

The list rated performance with results compiled from more than 20 different sports and over 120 different events. Head of Sport Lou Lindon stated: ‘For a relatively small girls’ private school, this is once again an amazing achievement. thank you to the staff and parents for their continued support.’

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