
Inter-House Netball Results

Shelley and Earhart began this term’s competition both looking ready and raring to go. Minute one included many great passes, interceptions and great defence especially from Mr Thomas. Earheart won an early goal, gaining them the first point of the match, swiftly followed by Ella scoring for Shelly levelling the score. Ella, Bebe and Mr Thomas were all dominant figures in the game which ended in a 5 all draw.

Lovelace verses Franklin was equally exciting and tense helped by Mr Sinclair-Smith, for Lovelace and Ella for Franklin in the first few minutes. Even though Franklin’s team had a lack of players, they still played strong. Player of match for Lovelace was Georgina and for Franklin, Holly. In the second half of the game Lovelace drastically improved, creating a lot of tension between the two teams. With Mrs Eels and Miss Harris joining, Lovelace their team performance and defence improved even more, but not enough to overcome Franklin, who won 5-4.


Organiser, Mr Kirtland said: ‘I want to extend a huge thank you to all of you for contributing to the first round of the inter-house netball competition during lunchtime on Thursday! We had two fantastic games—both highly competitive and, most importantly, a lot of fun.

A special thanks to all the players, students, and teachers. A big thank you also to our organizing sixth form, our referees, reporters, as well as the timekeepers and commentators. Sound system and photos from Mr Annett, kit from Mrs Lindon and let’s not forget DJ Amo for an amazing set list—it was definitely one of his best!

This year, we’re aiming to keep the matches tighter and the energy high, therefore the second and third sessions will take place next week, so get ready for back-to-back excitement!

Match Details:

  • Dates:
    • Thursday, 12th September 2024
    • Tuesday, 17th September 2024
    • Thursday, 19th September 2024
  • Time: Matches will kick off at 1:30 PM sharp
  • Duration: Each match will be around 10 minutes long, with two games per day.


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