
Lower 4 Visit the Living Rainforest

On Monday 13th January, Lower 4 visited the Living Rainforest near Newbury. In Geography, the students are currently studying how plants and animals adapt to life in the Rainforest and the trip began with an excellent tour by specialist guides focusing on adaptations. From learning about hydrophobic plants to hissing cockroaches and green iguanas with fake spikes, the students engaged beautifully and were a credit to the school.
After a stop for lunch and the gift shop, the students went back into the glass-houses and picked their own favourite animals and plants to focus on. The highlight of the day was Cinnamon the Sloth (whom in previous years has been very elusive) coming down from the canopy for feeding not once but twice during our visit. Her mannerisms and characteristics were wonderful to see up close. Thanks go to the Geography department and to all the staff who accompanied the students on their trip and made it possible.
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