
What is Business?

GCSE Business provides you with an opportunity to engage with the world of business today. Business studies uses real business contexts to consider issues and challenges facing entrepreneurs and commercial organisations. You can develop as enterprising individuals with a practical set of key skills, including problem solving and decision-making and interpreting and analysing data. You will use ICT to research current business information and to produce documents, create tables and graphs and for making presentations.

What will I learn?

Topical and current business and economic information and media based resources are used in lessons to bring extra relevance to the theory which is learned in the context of real world situations. You will use ICT to research current business information and to produce documents, create tables and graphs and for making presentations. The subject considers the factors which make a successful entrepreneur and enterprise and how topics like business structure and organisation, business growth, marketing and market research, people in business, production methods, quality and technology, finance, profit and cash flow can contribute to that success. The course emphasises the interrelated nature of business activity and puts it in the context of the wider social and economic environment.

How am I assessed?

Assessment is through two exams of multiple choice questions and short or extended written answers based on short case studies. You will need to analyse data and do some simple calculations.

What can business studies lead to?

Business offers a foundation to gain insight into future career paths in business and can provide a useful stepping stone to many further education qualifications including A Level business, economics, accounting and finance, and careers in marketing, advertising, sales, human resource management, chartered accountancy, management consultancy, trading, teaching roles, banking, insurance, retail, buying, merchandising and administration.