
Schools need children and children need schools.

I vividly remember the day that the school site fell silent last March, following the government announcement that all schools should switch to remote learning. I walked the site, blooming with daffodils,  cherry blossom and azaleas, wondering when the voices of children would ring out again across the campus. Little could I have imagined that a year later, I would be in a similar position, walking the site.

A still, silent site.

The difference this year, is that I walk with a spring in my step, excitedly anticipating the return of all our pupils. Schools need children and children need schools. I could not have asked more from my staff, pupils, governors and parents, in terms of their commitment to keeping our young people on track with regard to their learning and their wellbeing. I have been so proud of how the whole school community has risen to the challenge posed by the pandemic and pulled together.

School spirits stayed high in lockdown!

This week I have been completing all Sixth Form reports and have been amazed at how the pupils are still heading towards their future university and career goals with knowledge and confidence, regardless of the myriad challenges that they have faced in the past year. Behind every bedroom door and at every kitchen table, our pupils have been beavering away, waiting for the day when they are remote no more, but can laugh and smile, once again, with their peers and teachers.

That day is upon us and I, for one, cannot wait.


Gunpowder day! Here is one lesson you wouldn’t want to try at home!

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