
What a wonderful welcome!

It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back this week. I have to commend all our pupils, in particular our Senior pupils, who have been adapting to new government guidance, on how well they have done on their return.Staff have been fantastic and parents, too, in supporting the pupils as they make the transition from a virtual world to a real one. 

That said, my word of the week is ‘discombobulated’ – it means confused, disorientated and rather befuddled. We have all been coping with getting out of bed earlier, walking the correct way around buildings, getting used to seeing real human beings, talking through masks rather than through a screen and generally trying to remember how onsite school days work. 

We have realised the importance of snacks when there is no fridge or kitchen cupboard to head to in between lessons – my advice is to always carry a water bottle and a banana. We have recognised the fact that non-remote learning involves walking, going up and down stairs, carrying bags and moving between rooms. With only two weeks until the Easter holidays, I am sure we can all adjust and sort out our books, shoes, uniforms, routines, food supplies and brains by then. 

We will all enjoy our sleep and rest this weekend. 


•Discombobulated print available from Redbubble

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