
Inter-House Netball

After twice being postponed owing to poor weather, the first round of inter-house netball fixtures was played on Tuesday 18 October, with teams made up from the Sixth Form and Upper 5, the matches were fast paced, frenetic and with no small amount of skill. The crowd, who were encouraged by the sunshine and excitement of a live sport event, were generous with their money buying the treats on offer from Lower 4’s charity week. Mr Morris played the tunes, Mr Duell offered analysis, and the matches well umpired by Olivia A, Harriette B, Holly P and Lara L.  Final scores were as follows: Lovelace 1 – 6 Shelley and Earhart 11 – 3 Franklin. Player of the round was Ella S.

Well done and thank you to all of the players and supporters.


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