Activities and trips
We make the most of our downtime at Talbot Heath, unlike some boarding schools, we do not have Saturday School, weekends are for fun (but do remember to complete your homework!)

Here is a list of some trips and activities, these are inspired by pupils so can change depending on what the girls want to do. These are discussed in house & then planned for maximum enjoyment!
Activities: Chocolate Fruit Fondue night, Board games/card games, Wii team games, Bracelet making, Film & Popcorn night, Lantern making workshop, Cupcake decorating, Pumpkin carving, Making Dream Catchers.
Days out: Shopping trips, Splashdown Water Park, Pay & Play Mini Golf, Berry picking at the local PYO Farm, Tennis lessons, Theme Parks, Theatre trips, Christmas market shopping trip, Longleat Safari Park, London trips, Go Ape climbing centre, Escape Rooms.
We are looking into organising an optional yearly overseas ‘holiday’ for Boarders, more on this to follow!