
Celebrating Creativity and Academic Success on Speech Day

Former pupil Fiona Ribbons, who is an Associate Director for Climate Risk Consulting at WTW, was the guest speaker at Talbot Heath’s Annual Speech Day this week. It was an afternoon celebrating the creative, academic and sporting successes of its students ranging from art, dance and music to Young Enterprise, science and mathematics. GCSE and A-Level successes were also acknowledged alongside the array of sporting achievements locally, nationally and internationally.

Individuals receiving awards included the departing Head and Deputy Head Girls Esther P and Betsy V, alongside Ariella G and Pippa H-S, who were awarded the Austin Smith Award and Hardy Award respectively for their outstanding services to the school; Sophia H was presented with the Edwards Award for Innovation and the A-Level award for Academic Excellence, and Nicole N received the Music Performer of the Year Award. Congratulations go to all of the award winners.

The ceremony culminated in a fascinating address to the school about Fiona Ribbons’ educational background and fulfilling career, where she currently leads a team of consultants in the Climate Risk practice, advising corporations in London and in her travels around the world. Fiona stated that many of these opportunities have been possible thanks to her academic credentials from Talbot Heath, which acted as a crucial first step in accessing her BSc degree in Earth Science and her MSc in Environmental Engineering and Business Management from Imperial College London. Fiona said she is immensely grateful for her time at Talbot Heath where she developed her love of maths, science and critical thinking, adding: ‘the school instilled the principles of hard-work and perseverance, the secret ingredients of success in whatever path you choose.’

Mrs Harris, and Senior teacher, Helen Chapleo, thanked the staff for all of their efforts in making the event such a success: ‘It was a super example of team work and culminated in a creative and well organised celebration of our wonderful  students’ achievements this year and was enjoyed by all.’

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