
Great team performances with egos put to one side.

It has been a week during which my head is swimming with figures, as I moderate every grade for every pupil, for every subject, at GCSE and A level. It has made me realise, however, just how much work has been put in by our exam students and their teachers, in the most trying of circumstances.

All of our pupils, from Kindergarten through to Upper 6, should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved during the pandemic. It made me appreciate just how well we know our pupils at Talbot Heath. I talk with pupils every day, of every age, as I go around the site. They see my door open and come in to talk with me about all manner of things or stop by my window to wave or say good morning.

Our outcomes for pupils, whether it be academic or pastoral, are excellent and that is down to the positive and supportive relationships between staff and pupils. There is always a sense of us being one team, working together to achieve goals. We have a shared vision and shared ethos and that gives us strength.

As a Wales supporter, I have seen this on the pitch so far in the Euros- great team performances with egos put to one side. Long may this run continue. Our staff football club and Euros sweepstake has provided much needed light relief this week.

Wishing you all, regardless of your team affiliations, a successful and happy week. 


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