English lessons at Talbot Heath are an enjoyable place to be. We aim to ensure that English lessons lead to a lifetime of confidence, competence and enjoyment in both reading and writing for your child. Lessons are creative and engaging, providing the skills the girls will need to flourish as they go through Talbot Heath.
We use a varied combination of creative writing, comprehension, spelling and phonics activities, as well as grammar lessons, to build secure foundations in English. Where possible, the English lessons are linked with the topics covered in History or Geography to further broaden the girl’s knowledge and provide them with a purpose for their writing. Our English syllabus relates to the standards of the new National Curriculum, however it is not restricted to this, which allows us to be more creative in our approach to teaching English, providing the girls with a love of reading and writing.
We have a wonderful and extensive library, for our Pre-Prep and Junior pupils, in which the girls enjoy fortnightly library lessons as well as library lunchtime clubs. Additionally, Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to visit our Senior library during their allocated library lesson.
At Talbot Heath, we celebrate Literature through a range of celebratory events. These include: Dahlicious Day, World Book Day, National Poetry Day and many many more! Here the girls have opportunities to dress up as their favourite book characters, write creatively in the role of their character, perform poems, act out scenes from books, the list is endless! At Talbot Heath, we love to challenge the girls in new and exciting ways and frequently provide opportunities for them to enter writing competitions.
We love to celebrate pupil achievement in English and reward the girls for their creativity and independence in English.

If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.
Toni Morrison