
Message of Hope – Harvest Festival 2024

The Talbot Heath community came together as a whole before half term, to celebrate the annual Harvest Festival; staff and students reflected on what it means to have hope at this time of year. Once again, the school is proud to support the local charity ‘Hope for Food’ Charity in Bournemouth, and  the rainbow coloured display of donations received set the backdrop for the Harvest celebrations.

Grateful thanks go to everyone for their generous donations; to Nicky Corlett, for her organisation, and also to the Sixth Form prefect team and Head Girls for their help with the readings, display and packaging.


Hope for Food is a local charity based in Bournemouth set up and run entirely by Volunteers. The organisation was founded by Claire Matthews in 2012 with the aim of providing life’s basic essentials on a day to day basis to people in need of help due to the prevailing economic climate. Originally, they operated a soup kitchen from the Winter Garden’s car park in Bournemouth town but in 2014, after the death of 42 year old man in the doorway of Richmond Hill St Andrew’s, the church offered to assist.

Prior to the assembly, the music department organised a Harvest Concert for family and friends: parents were invited to join the pupils for a selection of beautiful readings, poems and songs performed by EYFS to Year 6. Thanks go to Nicola Corlett for overseeing the event.

Mrs Harris commended the students who performed at the concert: ‘Our wonderful junior harvest concert and whole school harvest assembly showcased the incredible talent and spirit of our students.’


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