
Psychology Trip to Vienna

On Friday 5th of July, Lower 6 Psychologists departed for a 3-day trip to Vienna to visit the origins of Sigmund Freud.
Day 1 of the trip included a photo scavenger hunt; to complete this challenge, pupils visited some significant landmarks in Vienna including the stunning Belvedere Palace and The Museum of Military History.
Day 2 started bright and early to travel to Mauthausen, a town which lies on the banks of the Danube River, 163km West of Vienna. Pupils spent the day at The Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial, it was a moving and emotional day for all and a day which the girls valued immensely. During the evening the group visited the Museum Quartier and played some mini-golf which was a lovely end to the day.
Finally, day 3 awarded the girls with the long awaited visit to the Sigmund Freud museum, consisting of his apartment where Psychoanalysis was founded, through to his first practice and the works of Anna Freud.
Throughout the trip the girls were able to try some traditional Viennese Cuisine and there was certainly lots of ice-cream. They were fully immersed into each experience that was on offer to them and they were an absolute credit to the school.
Thank you to Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Snell for accompanying the Psychologists on the trip and helping to make it a brilliant experience! Thanks also go to Govina Basra for organising such a memorable educational experience.
Here is Nicole’s account of the visit:
‘I gained lots of valuable experience from my visit to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp by understanding the history of how Fascism treated people who opposed them, showing how destructive  Fascism was. It was definitely a memory I will never forget.
In the Freud museum, we looked into his works including psychoanalysis and stages of psychosexuality. I was really amazed by his sacrifice to researching and developing psychology and his creativity too. On the last day of the trip, we also went to the centre of Vienna to buy various souvenirs and travel around Vienna to take photos of the stunning landscape including the Heldenplatz.
It will definitely be my most unforgettable experience this year!’

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