
Pupil Success at World Championships in Bali

Congratulations to Lower 4 pupil Jemima, who has just returned from the Biathle and Triathle World Championships in Bali with a shiny collection of medals.

She started the competition very well by securing an excellent 4th place early on in the competition, in the Triathle Mixed Relay final.

Over the weekend, Jemima competed in the individual u15 Triathle (Laser Shoot at 5m, Swim 50m and run 600m) x 3, in 34 degree heat and 100% humidity. Out of 24 girls in the final, she was placed 4th in the world. The 13-year-old was the second placed GB girl and the top 3 won the team Gold medal; this was a real surprise to Jemima as she is a first year u15 in an extremely strong international field.

The u15 Biathle final followed (run 800m, swim 100m and run 800m) again in scorching heat and humidity.  Out of 24 girls Jemima placed 5th  and was also second placed GB girl again – the team won Silver – just pipped to Gold by the South African team by 1.6 seconds!

It was a remarkable and unforgettable week for Jemima; she and her family are extremely proud of her achievements. The school community wish her every success for her future sporting endeavours.

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