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Role models

I think my favourite time of the week is first thing on a Thursday morning when I take the Pre-Prep assembly. We all gather in the Jubilee Hall and often the girls who have a music scholarship in Senior School play the piano as we all join together.  The Year 6 Head Girls also attend so they can help me give out awards. I believe it is very powerful and very important that our youngest pupils to see the older girls as inspiring role models. 

Last week was extra special as our Christmas tree had been delivered. As you can imagine, this caused great excitement. For our assembly the girls took turns to place decorations on the tree and we talked about all the wonderful things we are excited about and have to look forward to. 

The enthusiasm, sense of awe and eagerness shown by Pre-Prep really lifted my spirits. It is my heartfelt wish that our youngest pupils learn and remember something from me during our assemblies together. They certainly reminded me of the joy and meaning of Christmas and I am very thankful for that.

With warm wishes


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