Student Health (parent area)

The Health Centre is staffed by a team of qualified and dedicated nurses. We deliver a high standard of evidence based nursing care, treating and supporting pupils with acute or chronic medical conditions. Health education and promotion is integral to our care.

We encourage open access to the Health Centre and offer an extension to the day to day pastoral care within the busy school environment. We maintain good communication and liaison with teaching staff, parents and carers.

If you would like to find out more information about the support on offer to our students and our health policies please see the information below or please contact the school.


General Information
The Health Centre is staffed by a qualified RGN between the hours of 08.00 and 16.00 daily.

Contact Details

Telephone: 44 1202 761881

Crutch Protocol
Should your daughter require the use of crutches following an injury please adhere to the School Protocol below.

Talbot Heath Crutches Protocol

Student Health

All parents / carers of pupils joining Talbot Heath School are required to complete a Medical Consent Questionnaire Form prior to their daughter’s arrival, thus enabling the nursing staff to establish if there are any significant medical needs requiring specific care.

Meetings can be set up with parents to discuss care and agree a care plan.

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the Nurse of any changes to their daughter’s health. It is vital that the school has up to date medical information. Please inform the Nurse as early as possible of any changes to your daughter’s health. This can include any diagnosed allergies, pre and post-surgery information, limb injuries, changes to prescribed medication.

Please do not send your daughter back to school after an illness, until she has been fever-free for 24 hours and not had a bout of diarrhoea or vomiting for 48 hours.

Medical Interview

Senior School
New pupils will be invited for a Medical Interview with the School Nurse.

Junior School
Pupils with a medical condition will be invited for a Medical Interview with the School Nurse.

Administration of Medicines

The Health Centre is stocked with a supply of over the counter medicines which the Nurses will administer if consent is given on the Health History and Consent Form.

If your child requires regular medication, school policy requires you to provide authorisation to dispense the medicines. You must complete the Long/ Short Term medication form.

Junior School

Medications MUST be handed to the nurse / office staff by a responsible adult (parent or carer) accompanied by a completed consent form. Medications will not be accepted from pupils and remaining medication will not be sent home with the pupil– a parent or carer will need to collect it from our medical room.


Boarding House

All overseas boarders will be registered with a GP at Westbourne Medical Centre.

Boarding Staff are trained to dispense over the counter medicines with parental consent.

Please complete a Long/ Short Term medication form should your child commence on prescribed medication giving your consent for boarding house staff to administer these medicines.

Any medicines prescribed overseas must be accompanied by a letter from the prescribing Doctor. An English instruction of the dose, administration, cautions etc. must be provided. Medication will only be administered if under the instructions of the UK registered GP.

The School Nurse will visit the Boarding House during school hours to assess any pupil who is absent due to illness. A care plan will be produced in collaboration with the boarding staff.

Immunisations at Talbot Heath School

Immunisation programmes are delivered by the Dorset Healthcare Immunisations Team.

Friday 8th November 2024
This programme will be offered to all year groups
Teenage Booster Vaccination.

(Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (Td/IPV) and Meningitis and Septicaemia (MenACWY)

Friday 24th January 2025

This programme will be offered to Year 9 with catch up for Years 10 and 11


HPV Vaccination
Friday 24th January 2025
This Programme will be offered to Year 8 and catch up from Year 9-11  
Consent forms will be sent out via email two weeks before vaccination programme delivery.

For further information / enquiries please contact the Immunisations team.

Tel: 01425 891132

Kind Regards

The School Nursing Team