
Senior Sports Day 2024

The field was a riot of colour and smiles for the 2024 Senior School Sports Day on Monday. The event was started with the Inaugural Mile Walk starting from the Junior Playground where the girls set off around the school grounds and followed a mile route up to the field. Once at the field the events started with the Throwing and Jumping events cheered on by the girls. We then moved onto the Track events where girls raced over 100m to 1500m as well as relays and fun events such as Obstacle and Space Hoppers. The girls set high standards supported by the girls, parents and staff and three school records were broken; two by Ella (year 10 shot and discus) and one by Isla (year 8 Javelin). The event was soundtracked by music and fun with DJ AMO and Mr Kirkland who commentated and entertained everyone with Dad Jokes and karaoke singing.


It was superb to see the girls getting behind their house colour with face paints and various fancy dress outfits! The singing competition was judged by Mrs Harris (with some help from the parents) and was won by Earhart. The final races were keenly anticipated and saw the staff obstacle race followed by the Championship Relay where sisters Emily (Year 9) and Holly (year 7) teamed up to win for Shelley. At the presentation congratulated the winners were congratulated and awarded with medals. Isobel, in year 12, was awarded the Molyneux Cup for winning the Sixth Form competition; Shelley was crowned the winning house.

A final well done to all of the competitors.  and a huge thanks to everyone who put the event together: Mr Stirling and his staff for preparing the field; Mrs Mepham for designing and printing the programme and certificates; Mr Annett for photography and setting up the sound system; Holroyd Howe and their team for the delicious BBQ lunch. Particular thanks go to the PE department – especially Mrs Camp – for organising another memorable and successful sports day.
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