
We end the academic year with sparkle and fizz!

The final week of autumn term is always a special week at Talbot Heath, full of festivities and fun. The alpine bar was a great hit, Christmas jumpers raised a smile  ( Mr Gibson’s elf costume was particularly impressive, as were Mr Hall’s giant elf boots). Our Christmas cake decorating entries adorned the Hub foyer, the PSS live raffle draw did not fail to disappoint and the competition for our coveted Pets at Home photography competition was as stiff as ever.

Boyz only’s Christmas song is heading for this year’s festive number one and we collected hundreds of pounds and over a hundred gifts for Mission Christmas .

We were treated to a wonderful Christmas lunch by Holroyd Howe and enjoyed very special outdoor carols and a carol service to bring the term to a close.

The winning Senior classroom in the Christmas decorating competition was truly spectacular this year, with L43P creating a spectacular Hogwarts-themed experience .

We end the academic year with sparkle and fizz and raise a toast to all the wonderful staff, pupils, parents and governors who make this school so special.

Wishing you all a very happy and restful Christmas 

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